Getting a Tattoo During Your Menstrual Cycle: What You Need to Know
As a tattoo artist with over 11 years of experience, I’ve seen countless clients come through my studio doors, each with their unique stories and reasons for getting inked. One question that occasionally arises is whether it’s safe or advisable to get a tattoo during
Let’s dive into the topic and explore what you should consider before scheduling that tattoo appointment.
The Myth Debunked
For ages, there has been a myth circulating that getting a tattoo during menstruation can lead to excessive bleeding or interfere with the healing process. However, it’s essential to debunk this myth and provide clarityMenstruation does not increase the risk of complications or impede the tattoo healing process in any significant way.
Pain Tolerance and Sensitivity
While menstruation itself won’t directly affect your tattoo, it’s essential to consider your pain tolerance and sensitivity during this time. Here are some factors to keep in mind.
Hormonal Shifts
During your period, hormone levels shift, and you may experience more swelling throughout your body. This heightened sensation threshold could result in increased pain during the tattooing process. If you’re already cramping and uncomfortable, adding the discomfort of getting a tattoo might not be ideal.
Body Location
Think about the part of your body where you want the tattoo. If it’s an especially sensitive area, you might want to avoid getting inked during your period. For instance, tattoos on the ribs, inner thighs, or near joints can be more painful during menstruation.
Previous Experience
Reflect on your past tattoo sessions. If you’ve had a tattoo before, consider how much pain you felt during the previous session. Could you handle a little more sting during your period?
Medications and Herbal Supplements
While your period itself won’t impact your tattoo, supplements or medications you take to manage period cramps could affect the process. Here’s what to keep in mind:
Blood-Thinning Medications
Over-the-counter pain medications like Ibuprofen and Naproxen, commonly used for menstrual cramps, can thin your blood and inhibit clotting. Increased bleeding during tattooing could be a concern.
Consult your doctor before your tattoo appointment if you’re taking any blood-thinning medications.
Herbal Supplements
Some herbal supplements, such as ginkgo biloba, ginger, and garlic, can also reduce clotting. Avoid these supplements before your tattoo session.
In summary, it’s perfectly safe to get a tattoo while menstruating. If you’re sensitive to pain or take medications for cramps, discuss it with your tattoo artist. Otherwise, there’s no reason to be self-conscious or embarrassed—your artist should be professional and discreet.
Remember, everyone’s experience with their menstrual cycle is different. If getting a tattoo during your period doesn’t sound like a big deal to you, go ahead and express yourself through ink! Just be mindful of the factors mentioned above, and enjoy your new body art.
I hope you find this blog post helpful! If you have any other topics you’d like me to cover, feel free to ask. 😊🎨🌸